Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Malevolent Cowards

Webster's New World Dictionary defines "malevolent" as:
"Wishing harm or evil to others; malicious."

"Malice" is defined as:
"A feeling of wanting to harm or hurt someone; ill will; spite."

"Evil" is defined as:
1) -"Something bad or wrong done on purpose; wickedness."
2) - "Anything that causes harm, pain or suffering."

The cowards who engage in gang stalking are truly evil and malevolent.
They act with malice, ill-will and spite.
Their goal is to cause harm and to inflict pain on their victims.

They use proven psychological operations (Psy Ops) to do great harm to their victims.
Psy Ops torture techniques are used against their victims, including sleep deprivation and other torture techniques.

Many of the criminals who engage in this type of stalking are evil to the point of worshiping Satan.
They are Satanists, who inflict pain on their targets (victims) with no remorse at all.

Many of the criminals who engage in this type of stalking are pedophiles, the lowest of the lowest type of criminals.

Even other criminals hate pedophiles.
If a convicted pedophile is placed in the general population of a prison or jail, they are often beaten up by other inmates.

While some gang stalkers are probably paid money to do their evil; others are likely to receive compensation in other ways; such as:having IRS liens removed.(from taxes they owe) or given seized government vehicles to use to stalk, harass and torture their victims.

The malevolence and evil of gang stalkers knows no bounds.

They never stop their evil, illegal surveillance, harassment and torture.

They are relentless.

Their goal is to "wear down" their victims until the victims themselves are so depressed and full of fear that they reach the point where they either check themselves into a mental hospital or commit suicide.

Suicide is the ultimate goal of gang stalkers.

If one of their targeted individuals commits suicide, they probably throw a party to celebrate it.

Gang stalkers are truly evil - in every sense of the word.

They stalk, harass and torture their victims (TIs), relentlessly, non-stop, 24 hours a day - 7 days a week - 365 days a year.

What kind of person would do this to someone they don't even know - someone who has never done anything to them?

What kind of person would do their best to drive a complete stranger to the point of suicide?

An evil person, that's who.

Gang stalkers are malevolent cowards, pure and simple!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Gang Stalkers Are Terrorists

Webster's New World Dictionary defines "Terror" as:
1) Great fear.
2) A person or thing that causes great fear.

"Terrify" is defined as:
To fill with terror; frighten greatly.

"Terrorism" is defined as:
The use of force and threats to frighten people. governments, etc. into cooperating.

"Terrorize" is defined as:
1) To fill with terror.
2) To keep power over a person or group of people by force or threats.

"Terrorist" is defined as:
A person who engages in terrorism.

While most people, politicians, and mainstream media use the word "terrorist" to describe members of terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda, Islamic State (ISIS), Hezbollah, Al Shabaab and other militant Islamic terror organizations, victims of gang stalking experience "terrorists' every single day.

Not just terrorists, but "home-grown" terrorists, who, by their illegal stalking, overt surveillance, constant harassment and psychological operations (Psy-Ops) inflict "terror" on their victims 24/7 365 days a year.

Using real "torture techniques" such as sleep deprivation, gang stalkers are the worst type of terrorists of all; because they commit their crimes out in the open, for all to see, and are in no fear of ever being caught by the police, because the police don't even recognize gang stalking as a real crime.

"One-on-one" stalking is taken seriously by the police, both local and federal; however, "Multi-stalking" or gang stalking, or organized stalking, or whatever you want to call it, is not taken seriously by the vast majority of local police departments.

As far as federal law enforcement is concerned, gang stalking isn't even considered a crime.

As far as I know, the FBI has never prosecuted a multi-stalker case.

As I reported in a previous post, the United States Department of Justice even went so far as to try to hide  the true number of multiple stalker cases reported in their 2009 stalking survey, "Stalking Victimization in the United States" (Pub # NCJ224527), because they didn't want the American public to KNOW the true extent of this insidious type of stalking.

Many billions of taxpayer dollars are spent every year on "Anti-terrorism' programs by federal agencies such as DOJ, TSA, CIA, Homeland Security, and other government agencies such as NSA, DIA, and FEMA.

Is gang stalking a government program which is paid for out of so-called "black budget accounts" that not even members of Congressional Intelligence Committees which oversee the intelligence agencies, know anything about?

Gang stalking is real!

Gang stalking is taking place all over America, in cities, and in rural areas as well.

The criminals who engage in this type of stalking and harassment certainly don't do it for fun.

They are paid to "terrorize" their targets.

They don't just pick out the targets themselves.

They are TOLD who to target.

"Told" by whom?



High-ranking FBI agents?

High-ranking Department of  Homeland Security agents?

High-ranking TSA agents?

State and local Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIUs)?

Private security contractors?

All of these groups - and other federal intelligence agencies such as the CIA and NSA - have well-documented histories of abusing their powers.

The covert tactics used by the perpetrators of gang stalking are quietly being used to suppress dissent, silence whistle-blowers, and get revenge against persons who have angered someone with connections to the public and private agencies involved.

The most well-documented example of such operations was the FBI's infamous COINTELPRO (counter-intelligence programs) under the direction of  J  Edgar Hoover.

These operations ran from 1956 to 1971, when they were exposed by political activists who broke into an FBI office and obtained secret documents which they handed over to the media.

COINTELPRO's official goal was to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit or otherwise neutralize individuals demed to be subversive."

As the United States Senate Investigative Committee (chaired by Senator Frank Church) found, tactics used by the FBI included many of the methods associated with gang stalking, including overt surveillance (stalking  for psychological operations purposes).

Gang stalking methods include warrant-less electronic surveillance, slander, blackmail, blacklisting and a variety of psychological operations (Psy-Ops).

A gang stalking victim is systematically isolated and harassed in a manner intended to cause sustained emotional torment while creating the least possible evidence of stalking that would be visible to others.

This process is often referred to as "no-touch torture."

Methods are specifically chosen for their lack of easily-captured objective evidence.

Perpetrators use common annoyances such as honking horns, constant noise by neighbors, or rude comment or abusive behavior by strangers, but on a frequent, long-term basis.

The cumulative effects of relentless exposure to such tactics can amount to psychological torture for the victim.

A whole set of psychological operations are perpetuated against targeted individuals.

These methods include such things as threats, slander, vandalism, abusive phone calls, computer hacking, tormenting the victim with noise, and "mobbing" (orchestrated harassment by strangers, neighbors or co-workers).

Accounts by numerous victims of this type of stalking share common specific details - suggesting that the perpetrators are following a well-tested and standardized playbook of methods that have proven to be easily kept off the radar of potential witnesses and the mainstream news media.

For more information, go to:

Gang stalkers are cowards!

Gang stalkers are paid bullies!

Gang stalkers are criminals!

Gang stalkers are the "dregs" of society - alcoholics, drug addicts, wife-beaters, pedophiles and worse.

Gang stalkers are terrorists, because their ultimate goal is to frighten and terrorize their victims 24/7.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Recommended Websites on the subject of Gang Stalking

Have you ever done a Google search on the term "Gang Stalking"?

If you do, you'll get LOTS of You Tube videos, "statements' from Targeted Individuals (TIs), and many websites on the subject of "Gang Stalking", "Organized Stalking", "Multi-Stalking", "Group Stalking" and many, many different websites including so-called "Gang Stalking Victim's Groups" and informational websites as well.

I've been researching Gang Stalking for more than seven years, and, in my opinion, most of the "gang stalking" websites are bogus.

Most of the so-called "Gang Stalking Victim's Groups" are not only bogus; they are also dis-information sites, run by the gang stalkers themselves.

Here are a few gang stalking websites that are NOT  bogus,  in my opinion, and which I personally recommend:

-- www.fightgangstalking.com
-- www.osnanaimo.org
-- www.stoporgangstalking.com
-- www.organized-stalking-victims-united.blogspot.com
-- www.exposinginfragard.blogspot.com

If you know of any other legitimate websites on this type of stalking, please share this information in the comments section of this Blog.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Gang Stalkers Are Paid Bullys

Besides being cowards, gang stalkers are also bullies.....paid bullies.

Webster's New World Dictionary defines "bully" as: "A person who likes to hurt or frighten those who are smaller or weaker."

Lt. Larry Richard of the Santa Cruz, CA. Police Department has characterized gang stalking as : "Bullying on Steroids"
(Google: "Gang Stalking, 'Bullying on Steroids' aka Organized Stalking")
(Also "Gang Stalking - 'Bullying on Steroids' - Fox News Segment on Organized Stalking")

The news report is significant, because it is rare for gang stalking to be discussed on TV news reports and rare for police officers to publicly mention the term "gang stalking."
A gang stalking victim, Lawrence Guzzino of Salinas, CA. was interviewed for the TV news report.
The reporters indicated that Guzzino's case was not unique.
They characterized gang stalking as a "trend" that involves, among other things, overt stalking to "terrorize' the victim.


Overt stalking is what gang stalkers do....They WANT their victim to see them.
Seeing their stalkers is part of the intimidation process..it's part of the "terrorizing" that the criminals who engage in this type of stalking want to inflict on their "targeted individuals"

Covert stalking is what "one-on-one' stalkers do....They do NOT want their victim to see them.
Single stalkers, aka "one-on-one" stalkers are usually people who are known to the victim.
Ex-wives, ex-husbands, ex-boyfriends, ex-girlfriends, ex-employers etc, are usually the ones who engage in "one-on-one" stalking, and police departments usually take this type of stalking very seriously.
With the help of local police, a victim of a single stalker can obtain a Restraining Order which will usually keep the ex-husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend from coming within a certain distance from the stalking victim.

However, victims of Gang Stalking can't get Restraining Orders, because they usually don't KNOW the names of the strangers who are stalking them.

When victims of gang stalking go to the police for help, they are often advised to "see a doctor", or are asked "Have you told your doctor about this?"

Single-stalker victims going to the police to file a report are treated with respect and courtesy.

Multiple-stalker victims going to the police to file a report are usually treated as if they were "crazy" or being paranoid,  and often told that "a group of total strangers would not be doing that to you."

When single-stalker victims contact the U.S. Justice Department-funded Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), they are given assistance, including referrals to other agencies, stalking victim support groups, and more.

When "multi-stalker" victims contact the Office for Victims of Crime, they are told that "OVC does not provide any direct assistance of victims of multi-stalker incidents."

How many stalking victims call OVC to report multiple stalkers?

Thousands every month, according to Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) documents obtained by New York City attorney Keith Labella.
(Google :"Gang Stalking: New DOJ-FOIA Documents Prove DOJ Knows the Truth")

Labella filed his FOIA request based on conversations he had with OVC about how  many stalking victims calling OVC were reporting multiple stalkers.

In a 2009, the  United States Justice Department published a Special Report, "Stalking Victimization in the United States"
(Pub # NCJ  224527)
(Google: "Stalking Victimization in the United States")
In this DOJ survey,  more than 5 million Americans reported being stalked within the 12-month survey period.
However, according to DOJ, only 180,000 stalking victims reported multiple stalkers (More than 3 stalkers)
Keith Labella's FOIA request documents proved that DOJ was lying about the number of stalking victims who reported multiple stalkers during the 12-month survey period.

The actual figure wasn't 180,000 multi-stalker victims...it was more like 500,000 stalking victims reporting multiple stalkers.
Many stalking victims reported 20, 30 or more stalkers.

Why would the U.S. Justice Department not want the American people to know the true extent of this type of stalking?

Could it be because DOJ itself is involved in this type of stalking?

Read the AP stories about the FBI surveillance aircraft that fly over American cities and towns in counter-clockwise circles.
(Google: "FBI Behind Mysterious Surveillance Aircraft Over US Cities")

For more information, go to:

Sunday, September 27, 2015


Webster's New World Dictionary defines "coward" as:
"A person with a shameful lack of courage."

How much "courage" does it take to stalk, harass, and bully a complete stranger?

How much "courage" does it take to drive by a complete stranger's house several times a day and honk the horn at them?

How much "courage" does it take to pull into a complete stranger's driveway, drive right up to within inches of the person's garage door, and then back out and drive away..not just once or twice, but every single day?

How much  "courage" does it take to make "annoyance calls" to a complete stranger?

How much "courage" does it take to follow a complete stranger wherever they go, either on foot, or by car?

How much "courage" does it take for FBI Cointelpro-type surveillance aircraft to fly in counter-clockwise circles above a targeted individual's home 5, 10 or 20 times a day?
(According to a recent Associated Press article on the FBI's  Cointelpro-like warrant-less aerial surveillance flights over dozens of US cities and towns, "Most flight patterns occured in counter-clockwise orbits up to several miles wide and roughly one mile above the ground at slow speeds....A 2003 newsletter from the company FLIR Systems Inc., which makes camera technology such as seen on the planes, described flying slowly in left-handed patterns."
Google: "FBI Admits it uses Fake Companies to Fly Surveillance Over U.S. Cities")

How much "courage" does it take to fly FBI Cointelpro-type helicopters 500 feet above a targeted individual's home for the purpose of harassment and torture?
(Google: "What An NYPD Spy Copter Reveals About The FBI Spy Planes")

How much "courage" does it take for low-level thugs to harass and torture innocent Americans on a daily basis by commuting crimes against them such as : vandalism, thefts, break-ins, making overt or covert threats, noise campaigns, sleep deprivation, electronic harassment and other types of torture?

Gang stalkers are cowards!

On a daily basis, they stalk, harass and bully total strangers....because they are PAID to do so!

They act with complete impunity, knowing that no one, not even the police, will do anything to stop them.