Sunday, September 27, 2015


Webster's New World Dictionary defines "coward" as:
"A person with a shameful lack of courage."

How much "courage" does it take to stalk, harass, and bully a complete stranger?

How much "courage" does it take to drive by a complete stranger's house several times a day and honk the horn at them?

How much "courage" does it take to pull into a complete stranger's driveway, drive right up to within inches of the person's garage door, and then back out and drive away..not just once or twice, but every single day?

How much  "courage" does it take to make "annoyance calls" to a complete stranger?

How much "courage" does it take to follow a complete stranger wherever they go, either on foot, or by car?

How much "courage" does it take for FBI Cointelpro-type surveillance aircraft to fly in counter-clockwise circles above a targeted individual's home 5, 10 or 20 times a day?
(According to a recent Associated Press article on the FBI's  Cointelpro-like warrant-less aerial surveillance flights over dozens of US cities and towns, "Most flight patterns occured in counter-clockwise orbits up to several miles wide and roughly one mile above the ground at slow speeds....A 2003 newsletter from the company FLIR Systems Inc., which makes camera technology such as seen on the planes, described flying slowly in left-handed patterns."
Google: "FBI Admits it uses Fake Companies to Fly Surveillance Over U.S. Cities")

How much "courage" does it take to fly FBI Cointelpro-type helicopters 500 feet above a targeted individual's home for the purpose of harassment and torture?
(Google: "What An NYPD Spy Copter Reveals About The FBI Spy Planes")

How much "courage" does it take for low-level thugs to harass and torture innocent Americans on a daily basis by commuting crimes against them such as : vandalism, thefts, break-ins, making overt or covert threats, noise campaigns, sleep deprivation, electronic harassment and other types of torture?

Gang stalkers are cowards!

On a daily basis, they stalk, harass and bully total strangers....because they are PAID to do so!

They act with complete impunity, knowing that no one, not even the police, will do anything to stop them.